CrossXColor News

ColorLogic Announces the Release of CoPrA 4

ColorLogic GmbH

20 April 2016

Celebrate with us the release of the brand new CoPrA 4. The key feature of this new version is the integrated reprofiling technology. With this step you have access to all different kinds of printer profiling tools in one single solution. In CoPrA 4 there are more than 100 new features, improvements and bug fixes integrated making this the best release of CoPrA ever.

Try yourself how good CoPrA 4 is and download the software. Customers with valid Software Maintenance Contract will be entitled for a free upgrade. New customers will profit from attractive packages and bundles and for Reprofiler customers we offer great upgrade options. We suggest to get an offer from your ColorLogic dealer right away.

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CrossXColor, Inc. is the independent partner company of ColorLogic GmbH supporting their partners and customers in North and South America.

CrossXColor, Inc.
U.S. partner of ColorLogic GmbH
1212 Country Club Blvd., Suite 301
Cape Coral, FL 33990

Phone: 239-540-5722


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All products offered and supported by CrossXColor, Inc. are developed by ColorLogic GmbH, part of Hybrid Software Group located in Germany, and therefore the End User License Agreement (EULA) and Terms and Conditions are defined according to German Law.